Thursday 28 February 2013

Event: S.H.I.E.L.D. Combat Readiness Training Rewards

Combat Training is back! As usual the rewards are a step down from those in the raid event, but hopefully they will be raider cards for the next event.

Sentinel of Liberty Captain America:

SS Rare
Base Attack: 2440
Base Defence: 2800
Ability: Significantly intensify DEF of all your cards.
The ever-popular Captain America is the big reward for the training event. Like with most defensive Tactics cards this one suffers when compared to the existing SSR Captain America. American Pride Captain America has 200 more base defence and a better ability. Demand for these shouldn't be too high, but they make a pretty decent temporary card till you finish acquiring a set of the increasingly expensive American Pride Captains.

Protector of Hell's Kitchen DareDevil:

Base Attack: 2000
Base Defence: 2080
Ability: Remarkably intensify ATK and DEF of your Speed cards.
Speed defence currently has an enormous gap in the SRare range. SR Mystique is woefully underpowered with a lousy 1850 base defence, albeit with a better ability. Protector of Hell's Kitchen DareDevil isn't going to set the world on fire, his def is considerably lower than SR Cap which sports 2220 base, but at least this is a card that could potentially see use post-event while someone tries trading for SSR Ms Marvels and SSR Black Cats. If this ends up being an event card it's a pretty decent one, serving the event purpose then filling out SR level Speed defences.

Future Vison Cyclops:

Base Attack: 1600
Base Defence: 1570
Ability: Notably intensify ATK of your Bruiser cards.
As usual Rare event cards aren't terribly exciting. It's the right buff, but most people graduate to SRares pretty quick. Should be a passable event card.

Tuesday 12 February 2013

New Cards for Valentines Day! Unlucky in Love (and Stats)

Wow. These new cards are incredibly underwhelming. Unless there is some sort of event around the corner that will use them (and we already have a bunch of raider cards for Spider-Man vs Venom) I'm really not sure why they'd even bother. The new cards:

Time Enough For Love She-Hulk:

Base Attack: 1600
Base Defence: 1640
Ability: Notably intensify the ATK and DEF of your Bruiser cards.
370 less base ATK than SR Thor, 620 less base defence than SR Thing and a worse ability than both. Really underwhelming.

I'll Take Romance Emma Frost:

Base Attack: 1620
Base Defence: 1620
Ability: Notably intensify the ATK and DEF of your Tactics cards.
460 less base ATK than SR Arsenal Punisher, 600 less base defence than SR Captain America and a worse ability than both. I detect a theme here.

Rose Red Black Widow:

Base Attack: 1640
Base Defence: 1600
Ability: Notably intensify the ATK and DEF of your Speed cards.
300 less base ATK than SR Human Torch and even 120 less base defence than the notoriously under-statted SR Mystique, again with a worse ability than both.

So yeah, all inferior to at least one existing card of the same rarity at everything they could possibly do. I guess they're hoping the artwork will sell them?

Friday 8 February 2013

More new cards! New SSR Thor and more

Yet more new cards were released today, these just being regular cards from packs. Starting with...

Thunder God Thor:

Base Attack: 2740
Base Defence: 2350
Ability: Significantly intensify ATK of all your cards.
Bruiser offence players have long been frustrated by having the least effective of the SSR boosting trio Thor/Professor X/Hellfire Ghost Rider. Initial reactions to the higher base Attack of Thunder God Thor was that their prayers were finally answered... then we took a closer look at the ability.

Unfortunately the new Thor was stuck with a boost to all instead of Bruisers, reducing what would have been a 16% boost to a mere 12%. The base 2740atk is good, but nothing to write home about. The net result is a card very comparable to the recent event reward Oathbound Silver Surfer. Not a bad card by any means, but it won't set the world on fire. Oh what could have been...

Master and Commander Red Skull:

Base Attack: 2140
Base Defence: 1800
Ability: Remarkably degrade DEF of opponent's Bruiser cards.
I don't know that anybody was really clamouring for another Bruiser defence degrade but here it is. At a base attack of 2140 Red Skull is a small step down from common SR Speed wing cards like Blade. Also the Villain designation potentially costs you the Fury Blast special combo. He might see niche use if we continue to get more Villain cards at all rarity levels, but I don't think anybody will be rushing out to get Red Skull.

Protector of the Universe Captain Marvel:

Base Attack: 1650
Base Defence: 1390
Ability: Notably intensify ATK of your Tactics cards.
A replacement for Jigsaw in Rare-level Tactics offence. Not too much to say really, a decent enough Rare card to use until you move into SRares. Better than yet another in the recent flood of Tactics defence Rares/SRares.

Event: Spider-Man vs Venom event rewards preview!

The next raid event was revealed today and reward preview artwork released. I'll try to do a writeup about the raider cards for the event later today. Looks like Tactics gets the short end of the stick this time.

Symbiote Venom:
The big reward! Hopefully it will be an upgrade to SSR Thor like Dr Doom was an upgrade to Professor X. Bruiser already has an assortment of excellent wing cards so a UR level faction boost would go a long way.

Wall-Crawler Spider-Man:

ANOTHER Spider-Man card? A little baffled by this one but we'll have to wait for stats. Perhaps a defensive option to give Speed defence another option at SSR?

Secret Veteran Arachne:
All the new cards have pretty nice artwork. Wild speculation but I'd love for this to be an upgraded version of SR Mystique. It's disappointing that Mystique is so inferior to SR Thing and SR Captain America.

All-Seeing Doctor Strange:

Poor Tactics players.

Let the speculation begin!

New Luke's Chain set reward

Just finished my first completion of the Luke's Chain resource set. The reward is:

Knuckle Up Luke Cage
Base Atk: 1310
Base Def: 1590
Ability: Notably intensify the Def of this card.

Presumably the third completion rewards a second copy of the card for fusing. Not a stellar card, worse than Rare Thing if you were building a defensive Bruiser deck. Artwork isn't too bad at least.

Monday 4 February 2013

Beginners Guide: Stats Addendum, Respeccing Stats

An interesting question came up in response to my last posting: can you redistribute stats in Marvel War of Heroes? The answer is... well, kinda.

If you remove someone from your friends list once per day or are defriended by someone you lose five points from your highest stat and gain one slot on your friends list. Beware that removing two people from your friends list in a single day ups the cost to six points, resulting in a net loss of stat points.

So to respec stats you have two options:
- remove someone from your friends list once per day, add a replacement and spend the points
- have someone with a junk account friend and defriend you repeatedly until you've refunded and distributed all the points you wish to respec (this will turn the junk account worthless in the process, costing it a large number of stat points)

Hopefully this is helpful. If you have any further questions just post in the comments section.

Saturday 2 February 2013

Beginners Guide: All Natural Card Enhancement (Mastery and Fusing too)

Now that we've covered the basics of stats and how to play it's on to the fun part: cards!

Cards come in seven rarities: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Super Rare, SS Rare, Ultra Rare and Legendary. You can raise a card's rarity one stage by fusing it with another copy of that card.

Enhancing a card is the process of sacrificing low rarity cards to raise the level of a higher rarity card. To enhance a card simply hit the enhance button at the bottom, select the card you wish to enhance, pick out a number of "feeder" cards and pay the required amount of silver.

To enhance in the most efficient way possible you always want to enhance using batches of ten feeders at a time. The reason for this is the higher level the card you're enhancing gets, the more silver is required for each card you're consuming. Also for level 1-30 feeding commons is often sufficient, but for level 30+ you'll want to fuse those commons into uncommons to keep costs down.

Common sources for feeder cards are mission 2-3 (Vulture/Invisible Woman/Wolverine), mission 2-4 (Spider-Woman/Sandman/Iron Man) and mission 3-5 (Mockingbird/Enchantress/Wolverine). The first two are popular for their 1 energy cost, mission 3-5 is used when low on silver because the Enchantress common sells for 960 silver.

Enhancing using cards with a skill (most Uncommons, Rares and above) also give a chance for an Ability Level Up. Raising ability levels can be very important at higher levels of play. For example a SSR Hellfire Ghost Rider has an ability that gives a Significant Boost to Atk on Speed cards. I'll go into more depth about abilities in a later post, but a Significant Boost to Atk on Speed cards is a 16% boost at level one. Each Ability Level Up raises that by 1% per level up to a maximum of ability level 10.

Mastery is a secondary stat to levelling that requires a different approach to raise. Unlike enhancing for levels you only receive a bonus when mastery reaches it's maximum level. There are two ways for a card to gain mastery, the most common one is defeating opponents in PVP combat, the secondary one is as a random reward when questing. (As a tip, always put the cards you're seeking to Master in a deck at the top of your Offensive Decks list, random questing mastery will go to those cards first)

The easiest way to raise mastery on a card is to keep a list of high level/low defence players and attack them repeatedly with the cards you want to gain mastery on. Here are a few names that fit the bill at the time I wrote this:


These lists can and often do change over time so I'd advise you keep a list of your own in Notes. Message boards like GameFAQs often have people posting their current lists if you need a quick update.

Fusion is the process of combining two cards to transform them into a single card one rarity level higher. Aside from the promo cards Jean Grey and Black Widow you can only fuse cards once. (so for example two Rare Thing cards become a Super Rare+ Thing) When fusing two cards you will pass on between 5-10% of the stats to the finished fused card. To pass on the max amount you have to enhance the base cards to their maximum level and max out their mastery points.

The bottom line is this, NEVER EVER fuse a card you intend to use without first Mastering and maxing out the Enhancement levels on the card first. An improperly fused card loses out on a very large amount of stats, often as much as 2000atk or def at higher rarities.

Beginners Guide: Stats, Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Attack

So you've levelled up and find yourself faced with a decision, three stat points to spend but what to spend them on? In this post I hope to make that decision a little easier.

Energy: At first glance your impulse will probably be to pump energy like there's no tomorrow. More feeder cards, more mission progress, even a little bit of bonus silver, what's not to like? Unfortunately Energy diminishes in usefulness greatly over time compared to the other two stats.

Typically you'll want to aim for Energy between 60-120 points depending on how frequently you plan to check in and burn off whatever Energy you have. Any more than 120 is best reserved for alt accounts designed to be logged in a couple times a day to farm feeders with.

A good place to start would be prioritize Energy to 60 ASAP, bump your Attack and Defence a little then once you've got a feel for how frequently you're playing decide if you want to go to 90 or 120. I wouldn't recommend going lower than 60 as you'll still want enough Energy to summon bosses during raid events.

Attack: You're going to want a lot of this. Bare minimum you'll be wanting 150+ and most players will be aiming for 300+ with more always being welcome. Attack will be where you distribute all of your remaining points after hitting your goals for Energy and Defence.

Your initial goal should be to raise Attack enough to be able to attack once with your best possible deck. At high rarity levels this will require roughly 150-160 per attack. Endgame ideally you'll get as high as three attacks per full bar.

Defence: Unlike Rage of Bahamut where Defence is often left at 10, you actually want to invest in a little Defence in Marvel. For a non-defence leader somewhere in the neighbourhood of 125-150 is likely to be sufficient. You want enough to field a full defensive deck and take a couple hits, but not so much you fail to reach the levels of Attack required to get 2-3 Attacks per bar. A small investment of 10-15 points early on can be helpful to discourage attackers when you're first starting out but isn't strictly necessary.

For Rage of Bahamut players wondering why Defence matters, unlike in RoB where spamming low cost attacks can wear down the defence bar of even the strongest defender, in Marvel events attacks are defended at no cost if the attacker uses less than 50atk worth of cards. This makes whittling down someone's defence pool a very costly endeavour. Having enough Defence to field a proper team and take a few hits costs the rival alliance a significant amount of Attack power.

One big exception can be if you are going to be your Alliance Defence Leader. I'll go into more detail about that in a later post about Training Mission events, but my advice would be to stick to the above outline and if you find yourself with the kind of cards to be a Defence Leader in the future make an alt account designed from the ground up for that purpose.

So to summarize, Energy to 60-120, Attack to 150-300+, Defence 125-150 with remaining points into Attack is a pretty standard formula. As always feel free to post any questions/feedback in the comments section below.